Is Comparison Fatigue a Real Thing?
“What is holding you back?”
While talking to one of my clients in a business consultation I asked her “What was the one thing that had been holding her back from moving forward with her business? What had she been spending all her time on?” Her response was “I was spending all my time on my competitors websites and social media, comparing myself and my business to theirs”
The client had been going back and forth with business ideas, branding, and business names for a very long time. She wanted everything to be perfect and this had stopped her moving forward.
Sometimes this is what we call research… but if it is stopping us moving forward and progressing with our own life or business it is in fact called COMPARISON.
What is Comparison Fatigue?
Because social media is such a large part of most people’s live these days, comparison fatigue is a real thing. Comparison fatigue is when we feel inadequate because we don’t meet the standards of another person’s life.
Comparison often brings on feelings of sadness, anxiety or even anger, based on how you don’t ‘match up’ to where others appear to be in their life.
Have you ever thought or said any of these things?
- I Don’t look like her
- My family isn’t perfect like hers
- I’m not organised like her
- My house doesn’t look like hers
- I don’t drive a car like hers
- Her hair is perfect
- She’s got it so together
- I’m not earning as much as her
- My business does not look like hers
- I’m not as thin as her
…. And I’m sure there are more that you could add to this list.
If you have ever thought or said any of these things you may be suffering from Comparison Fatigue.
Comparing ourselves to others is draining, it eats away at you determination and your self worth.
What is the Solution to Comparison Fatigue?
How to Deal With Comparison Fatigue?
“We should spend less time comparing ourselves to others, and more time working on things that make us happy in our daily lives.” Brianna Wiest
There are a number of things we can do to stop the comparison fatigue and I’ll list them below.
Ideas to try:
- Turn off social media notifications
- Limit time on social media
- Unsubscribe from people who make you feel inferior or compare yourself
- Focus on your goals
- Say to yourself ‘I am incomparable to anyone else’
- Make real connections with real people
- Put your phone down, have phone free time for set periods each day
- Stop the social media scroll
- Read Inspirational Articles such as our 18 Inspirational Quotes for Work at Home Moms
- Stop and think why are these things triggering me?
- Why do I want to be like them? (when I am unique and special)
The main thing I want you to remember is that you are you are unique, no one else can be you. This applies to your looks, your abilities, your business and your personality. Don’t try and be someone else, people will love you for who you are, you are uniquely created and there is no one just like you.
… you are uniquely created and there is no one just like you.
Moving Forward…
In a podcast interview with Jenna Kutcher on the Goaldigger Podcast, Arielle Estoria discussed how she deals with comparison fatigue..
“… begin to coach your inner dialog and rethink how you see yourself. I am an individual. It really doesn’t matter if anyone else is doing what I want to do. Because at the core, how I’m going to do it and execute it, Isn’t going to be like anything anyone else would do.”
Embrace your individuality, this is what sets you apart from ‘others’.
Comparison Fatigue is a real thing and I think we are all guilty of it, so please do take the time to address the issue and perhaps set your own boundaries around comparison issues you may have.
We all only have 24 hours in a day, your time is valuable and important spend it on chasing your dreams and goals and spending time making real human connections.
Focus on your individuality and if you are having difficulty finding your passions check out our free download of “Love Your Business – Love Your Life” It will help you discover your passions to create a business & Life you’ll love!